Dear MOF Teams, MOF is pleased to announce it is working very hard to creating yet another new experience for our best teams and footballers. We are seeking out NFL Teams who welcome the occasional friendlies with any MOF Teams that feel they are up to the mark, and vice-versa!
Are u up to the mark, MOF Teams?
a) any MOF teams who feel u are up to the mark (our assessment is that there are at least 4 teams who are)
b) a strong individual MOF footballer who wishes to group with other strong footballers to assemble a team talk to us, and put yourselves on the NFL vs MOF radar!
We are planning the friendlies, and reaching out to NFL Teams (if you do know any who are interested, do refer them to us!). We are currently thinking these friendlies will be midweek night games, with linesmen and referee.
This is also part of MOF’s plan to make visible outstanding MOF footballers who can be scouted or considered to move up to NFL/Prime League/S-League levels. Join us, let’s have some fun, and most, most importantly some football passion!
For more details whatsapp 85769948 now!